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Saturday, January 31, 2009

A service of FIV is to help birth families. Through our fund, we do this in Lang Son. Here we are having a feast with one of our daughters birth families. Son is helping us in many ways. This meeting was healing for all of us, especially siblings. This outcome was due in great part to Son's efforts. I remain grateful for his genuine concern, highly skilled ability and patience.
On the road again....packed and ready to work. We have clothes to deliver and families to see. We plan to have our first meeting with the principle of the school in LS. Son and Valerie have gone ahead of us to meet with them. Our meeting was arranged weeks before - we are so excited for this very very long day!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

making a new friend lelan makes a new friend. they are standing on material that was the roof of this little ones house. they still have to pay rent, even without a roof- they covered it with tarp. the family greeted us warmly. Hoa has worked with this family to bring them to doctors, dentists, help with clothes, a bike. still, it was sobering to hear their story and to see this.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Aren't they beautiful? Here is Hoan and our Lelan.
Hoan is talented,tender, smart, funny young lady. She has a 'let's try' and 'can do' spirit. We have so much fun when we're all together that as I write this I miss her all the more.
After a hot day of getting supplies- I asked Hoan to join us at the pool (at the sommerset in Hanoi). we relaxed, ate and yakked. It's wonderful when Vietnamese nationals like Hoan have taken the time to learn English. The
full moon was showing itself. Hoan asked us if we could see the boy and the banyan tree in the full moon?
In a word, no, no one in my family could see the boy and the banyan tree in the full moon.
[hold on did i say i'm mommy to a 23 month old firecracker???? that means- taking a break here- more later.......
it's later- way later]
the cliff note version of the boy and the banyan tree is the son of a kind doctor is told to care for the banyan tree, the boy forgets and he and the tree fly up to the moon. I'll leave the rest of the story for you to read.
we both see the same side of the moon- same full moon here in NJ and in lang son. in nyc and hanoi. yet- we see the face, man on the moon and the children in viet nam
see the boy and the banyan tree. I wished there was an illustrated version of this folktale to share with my children.
Hoan said- I can do that! Together we said- then let's do it!!!! so within 7 weeks this book was translated, illustrated and printed- including a page explaining the history of various traditions depicted in the illustrations. It was super fun and super speed!! This book is a fund raiser for Love Education Fund. In the book Hoan states 10% of the book goes to our 5L fund. Actually, more than that goes to the fund.
Here are 2 of my favorite illustrations by Hoan. I find it fascinating this folktale connects herbs, dolphin intelligence, full moon, the ocean and fate- but buy the book and read it- enjoy - it is an amazing folktale.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

see that little one looking up at the camera? that's Lily. She is another volunteer. Above, Cathy, her mom- saying, "what, what do you want from me?" in the back is Dad, Phil and of course, Lily in his arms. Left photo is us in a relaxed moment at Lily's first birthday party. They had a few months home already- enough time to recover from their trip and the help they gave us. These guys helped in many ways and still do-for example: I would never be trying this blog if it weren't for Cathy's friendship and support. many, many thanks, Cathy.
Still, the heaviest volunteering by far was lugging 60 lbs of books -hot off the presses- plus vietnam/usa ao dai's and 200 handpainted dragonflys!!!! Now imagine volunteering to do that- and travel back with your infant child!!! Yes, they lugged those heavy books in additon to the delicate dragonflys- did I say they packed all this as well, and our new ao dai's plus baby stuff and gift stuff to bring back to (almost grown) son Nick, grandparents, friends and so on. what a wonderful cast of characters we have! and there are more....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

our first visit to families

families in Vietnam has been working in Vietnam for only a couple of years. in that short time they set up many successful programs. One of them places children who previously were working on the street back in school or in school for the first time. the only condition is the child's family agrees and participates in having the child attend school- basically- send them there. As we were formulating our dream of 5L fund and getting to know staff and volunteers associated with FIV, we visited some of these families. Some stories are so personal that I cannot publish them here. FIV has a newsletter if you want more info. My 8 year old daughter, Lelan came with us. She is young to see this level of poverty. however she saw the support and happiness that came from our visit and the friendship generated by Hoa's visit. while it made poverty real, it made helping itself, hopeful and real.

first trip to see families

catching up

This blog is our family blog about our dreams. It does not represent FamiliesInVietnam.
You can visit , click on Love Education Fund to learn a little about us.
I need to catch us up- on how we started and what we've done and what we hope to do. I also want you to meet the cast of characters who help. There are many who help who are never photographed - they donate and we are grateful.
This will take a number of posts and pictures. In the meantime-
Here is another volunteer, Virginia. We are buying fruit and vegetables to distribute to several places. We share the food with an orphanage, a school and a temple. more pictures to follow. While we focus on schools and poor families, early on we gave food where ever we went. Virgina is enthusiatic about helping children, schools and families in Vietnam.

Friday, January 16, 2009

below are 3 pictures- another part of our cast of characters including my daughter who hurt her arm while we were there- that was our 2nd visit to the er/sos in Hanoi this trip but all turned out okay and Lelan had to wear a pretty arm sling just a few days. In the 2nd picture down you can see Lacey. I bet she was planning something too.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The last photo is of Hoan, another volunteer and me - we have a long list to fill. Hoan is wonderful- would not want to do this with out her!!!

cast of characters

Spring 2008 In Hanoi with very little time and full list; volunteers and staff meet to organize!! L-R: Son (program manager), lelan (volunteer), me (volunteer) Hoa (staff), Thuy (volunteer)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

charitable dreams

Our Family
welcome to my blog. Our family started a fund through the charity is . our fund is -ready, deep breath- 'lelan and lacey lockwood of lang son, Love Education Fund'. I call it 5L fund and it is called 'Love Education Fund' on the website. we are among those in international adoption who know their childrens' birth families. It feels like a blessing to know them. We maintain contact and provide assistance to them through we wished to do more- for our daughters and for the people of Lang Son. In short, a small way to say thanks. For our daughters a hoped for sense of pride and connection to both of our worlds. I think it is working, but more about that later. next post - our first project-