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Sunday, January 10, 2010

our own little traveling sister

yesterday lelan and I were talking about lang son- the chicken project, the needs of the children at the school. I told her- we need to raise more money to help feed the children until our program takes hold- until we have lots of chickens and pigs for many families- she said, "really?" I nodded and added "these kids can't go to their refrigorator like us or you and pick out some yummy snack." I told her, "I expect you to help too" "me?" "Yes, you can too."
Lelan went upstairs to her room. there she opened her piggy bank and began counting. "25 dollars and 25 cents. will that help, mom?"

Yes, it will, lelan- and I didn't know how to put into words how what she did would help her mom, her friends and all of you who donate too.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A link to the helping and traveling sisters blog about Lang son

Below is the link to their blog- and in their own words they describe our school in Lang Son, the students, staff, and of course, the work being done as a result of your donations!! Plus new photos- enjoy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

a glimpse into food for thought

Here is one of our 'food for thought' chicken project families- here is a happier family- and soon a healthier one- thanks to you. So many of us have been to Vietnam- to Lang Son- We can imagine this family struggling to feed all of the children and keep them in school. They look so young- they are- the oldest is 9, the youngest, 18 months.
We hope the chickens help- and eventually help other like families. The school has a great idea to add a pig to our gifts-
They are careful- wanting this project to work for the long run for each family. We are growing this project together, like a farm or a plant- it can't be rushed- Until it is firmly rooted in the community- and serving the 40 poorest families whose children attend school- we are asked to give monthly towards supplementing the lunch the school serves.
Will you help? Please make a donation.
See that cutie below? Help her have a turn at school.
Her life can be better, her future safer because you care and can help. Every little bit helps. She is counting on us-
To donate please click on the link below. many thanks from many hearts.

Monday, January 4, 2010

chicks and hens

we are so lucky to have a great school staff and administration to work together on these projects! the school officials step up to the plate- taking on more work- to help make these projects work. they will keep track of the families- to see if the family fulfills it's contract to send eggs in to the school- this is something we couldn't do- we don't have the staff or the volunteers who live near the school- this project's success depends upon the teachers and staff helping - you can see why I feel we are so lucky. The administration thought it best to start small- and build- also- depending upon how this goes- to add a pig to each group of chickens. We've given 30 chickens to each of 3 families plus start up feed and advice on raising them. The school had each family sign a contract too. the "traveling sisters" who volunteered going to Lang Son with Son our program manager- helped tremendously- delivering the chickens and feed! they sent photo-s but I am having tech difficulties getting them here. I hope to have them write something that I'll post here- so you can get there first hand view of the project - when I heard about the "plus one pig" i was all for it- but couldn't wrap my head around- what was 1 pig going to do? would they eat it or sell/eat it ? and then- where is the next pig going to come from? I had a quick chat with Valerie, founder and president of FIV- she explained to me when the pigs are old enough to "date" one pig can go out with another- and that's where the next pig will come from!!! - hmmm, that illusive obvious!