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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday, Dec 03, 2011, Posted at: 14:25(GMT+7)
Northern region reeling under cold spell
The northern region of Vietnam is reeling under extreme cold weather conditions with temperatures dropping to 3 degrees Celsius since Thursday, as a result of the cold front.
Blankets for home, coats, boots and shoes!!!!!!!!
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letter to sponsor

  For those of you who are thinking about sponsoring a child in Lang Son I've included a copy of one of my most recent sponsor letters. There are pictures that go along with this letter that I am not publishing plus I've changed the names of this family. Still this can help give a good idea of you can do if you are inclined. There are children who need to be sponsored in Lang Son. We are working with the school to gather information and visit the students in their homes. Once that's done if you are ready, we'll be ready.

The student you and your husband are helping is 10 years old. He was born in 2002 ( I am still waiting for his month and day). He attends Tan Lien Primary School, currently in the 4th grade. It takes him 1 hour to walk to school because of the terrain and the distance. This means he's walked this way to and from school for 5 years, counting kindergarten. I can hardly imagine how he did this when we was so young.
  He lives at home with his mother Ba, age 52 and father, Van age 48 plus their blind grandfather. It is unclear to me if both of his older brothers live with them too. His oldest brother Van is 26 years old, married to Bich who is 21. They have a little girl around 2 or 3 years old. Their blind grandfather helps to watch her during the day when everyone else is working in the fields. They are all farmers. His 2nd brother, Son is 18, no longer in school. I don't know yet how many years his older brothers attended school.
  Son and the school reported this family is very poor and hungry throughout the year. The newest poverty levels set by the government agency MOLISA state if a family's income is less than 20usd per person per month they are poor.. They are considered "near poor" if the income per person per month is more than 20usd but less than 25usd.  I think that helps paint a clearer picture of the positive effects your decision to sponsor Khue can have for his whole family.
   Through your caring and actions Khue will have a nutritious lunch 5 days a week. He'll join nearly 60 other children who stay at the school for lunch due to the long distance they walk and the fact there is not enough food available to them at home. Viet Nam is working hard to limit the percent of children who are malnourished. The rural ethnic minority child, like Khue are the last ones  on the list to begin to receive government help. I think over the next few years a lot will change for the better for the children of Lang Son province.  Meanwhile, the children are waiting for some one like you, me and others to reach out now. 
    Son visited this family in October. We were concerned about Khue's welfare since the recent weather changes in Lang Son. For the past 2 years it snowed in Lang Son and stayed so cold. It's so humid there- even in the winter - it snows at 2 degrees F higher than in the states. Can you imagine what a cold one chilling winter it is there?
  When you look at the pictures of Khue's home you'll see there is no glass in his windows. They do have shutters- not ones that close well- though much better than none at all! Khue and his family received a blanket too to help with the coming predicted cold winter. This weather change is making life more difficult for families and for animals. Last year over 7,000 livestock froze to death in Linh's province alone.  
   You provided them with 30 chicks and starter feed! When the chicks grow they will have eggs to eat and the occasional chicken too- plus they can sell some at the market once they get to laying and hatching eggs. To help teach the families better ways to care and raise the chickens we are building a chicken coop for the school. There the students will learn about the care and raising of chickens, how to detect disease, how to prevent or treat it plus have more chickens and eggs to eat. Studies in Viet Nam showed when students where taught how to better care for livestock they passed on the information successfully to their parents. So, Lisa, we are hopeful for their future through your intervention. 
   Son plans on delivering a bike for Khue to make his way to and from school better.. I'll check on this info in the next week. I mentioned to you that when Son steps in like that I know the life is difficult for the student- even beyond what photos can show.
   You also provided food - rice, sauce, oil for cooking. Khue received clothes too. Before Son traveled to see these poor rural families he emailed his friends to collect children's clothes. Son brought them to several students and of course Khue was one of them. 
   We recently had the school give nice jackets and blankets to the 20 poorest/neediest students. All the children at the school are going to receive new boots or good solid sneakers and socks for the winter. As soon as that happens I will send you the photos too. 
 I think that catches you up on Khue for now. Les and I will visit him when we go to Viet Nam this Spring. You can send gifts to him through us- I will save room in one of our suitcases if you like. If you want to help him more we can help you to do that. Please know you have already made a world of difference in his life and his families too. 
Many many thanks