We organized a training!!! It was a huge success!!
Below you see Mrs. Giang from Hanoi who traveled to Lang Son to spend the day teaching our families. Mrs Houng the school principal helped with the organization and running of the day's event.
Books with clearly detailed pictures showed the "how to's" of healthy chicken and egg raising were given to each family that attended and extras kept for the families that were unable to be there. Questions were asked, advice given. The guests were warmly received by the families.
Our all day training was a huge success!!! Please enjoy the photos below. If you would like to support this project and ones like it in Lang Son please donate above or to see more photos and learn more go to http://www.facebook.com/charitabledreamsplease LIKE us on Facebook and share our projects and charitable dreams!
Programs we are growing....
Food for Thought Lunch Program, Lay It Forward Chicken Project, Sustainable Vegetable Garden, Orphan Scholarship Project
Photos of Training Below