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Thursday, June 19, 2014

 VNCGC contributes to upgrading our school kitchen. Extra lunch money was used towards making the school kitchen safer to use. We are all happy with these results and the school officials and our own commitment to continue our Food for Thought Lunch Project!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Our Lunch Bunch in May, 2014. School is nearing a close and VNCGC is finishing up the school year with our daily school lunch = Happy Students:) Special Appreciation for our friend Lorraine Pidgeon and her Zumba Buddies. Lorraine, a Zumba instructor dedicated a monthly class to donate for our daily school lunch January to June 2014. Thank you all! This one's for you!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Our Sponsors Support Success, Our Students Achieve It!!

Sponsors Support Success in School

       Vinh* first came to our attention 3 years ago. Remaining in Primary School was a struggle for Vinh and his family. It wasn't simply a matter of money for school.  In this poor commune many school fees are waved now by the VN government and this new policy was beginning just as Vinh's struggles were beginning to threaten his opportunity for basic education.
      His family wants him to go to school. They value education. However, it's harder to be inspired to attend school when you go to sleep hungry,  wake up to face a couple of hours walking to and from school, live too far to go home for lunch and you're about to turn 10 years old.
      The principal Ms. Hong told us about Vinh. Son, our VN Director planned to visit him at his home.
He asked friends and volunteers in Hanoi to gather nice clothes for Vinh and Son purchased rice and other foods to bring with him.  
      Son was moved by his meeting with Vinh and his family. He gave the gifts he brought. He promised Vinh he would get him a bike for his very own.  VNCGC fulfilled that promise through the support of our donors. We found a lovely sponsor for him and his family...the rest is a happy ending, lots of lunches, a full belly, a fun ride to and from school, clothes, books, chickens...It's a simple story
and one that matters to us, to many of you and to Vinh.

      Of the many approaches we employ to assist the students and their families in Tan Lien Sponsoring a student or entire family is one of the most rewarding. Sponsors and students alike gain encouragement and inspiration. Thank you to all our sponsors who provide the happy endings to this chapter in our students lives
from Bonnie, Tami, Susan, Kelly and Son. 
*Not our students actual name.

Monday, January 27, 2014

We're celebrating our Food for Thought Lunch Project.
Begun in 2010, a nutritious cooked lunch is served to the poorest students attending our school. We started with a few students and grew to 55 students each day in 2010. In 2014 we have 48 in our daily cooked lunch Food for Thought Project.  From then till now, over 40,000 lunches have been served and we are still counting...can we count on you to help us deliver good nutrition to our students?