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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Let's call this "A SHOUT out to my PEEPS"
it's that chicken project. we began this paperwork on this project in 4/ 2009. blahblahbla...paperwork!
Our first chicken delivery was in January 2010.
since then TOGETHER we've delivered 600 chickens plus starter feed to 20 families in this village!
pretty good!
high 5's !!
a SHOUT out to our peeps!!
so there's a catch- yes there's always a catch. and always more to learn. damn it. :-)
the chickens in the project-all 600 of the chickens in the project are "industral chickens"
does this mean they wear a suit when they go to work laying eggs?
no - it means they grow quickly- and before they get to laying eggs or something like that- they are food - food for thought.
this explains why there were mostly chickens sent to the school and very little eggs- I wondered about this- but chickens were good enough so I didn't ask. duh.
This time at our big meeting we carefully introduced the notion of chickens, eggs, more chickens, more eggs, and so on............
I keep hearing the song 'the beat goes on...and the beat goes on.....' so we're going to try again with "home town farmer type chickens" the ones I see running around LS and Hanoi even!
will you try with us again?
I hope you say yes.

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