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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 was a banner year for 5LE Fund!
· Chicken coop was built on the Tan Lien Elementary School Property and stocked with 160 chickens plus 4 months of chicken feed
· 1030 chickens were distributed to 34 families with students attending Tan Lien Elementary School plus 4 months of chicken feed
· “How to Raise and Care for Chickens” Training taught by Mrs Giang (from Hanoi) at TL school for families receiving chickens, teachers, local authorities and some students
· 24 Bicycles purchased and delivered: 14 to Tan Lien School to be loaned to students who need them to attend school, returned upon graduation for new group of students;10 gifted to students from their sponsors
· 6 breeding pigs delivered to sponsored student families, 3 pigs (non breeders) delivered to sponsored student family plus feed for 2 months.
· Sponsoring 11 students up from 6 last year- new sponsored student receiving needed medical care
· 8 pigs (3 breeders) purchased and delivered to Lang Son Center of Protection–first step in scholarship program to aid nutrition of orphans
· 100usd total books to school, 50usd of which were for popular Fun to Read series depicting history and biographies of Vietnam’s historical leaders
· Soccer balls, bounce balls, jump ropes, art supplies for all 3 schools in Tan Lien
· 8,000 nutritious lunches provided (160 days, 50 students per day)
We are looking forward to continuing our work and starting new projects for 2013. We deeply appreciate our donors and volunteers who made this year of helping change the lives’ of families in Vietnam possible.
I'm working on uploading tons of new pictures of our training, pigs, books, shopping trips with students, more new bikes, pigs for the orphanage and so much more
thank you thank you thank you
for your help and your patience and continued support!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Bonnie. You guys are amazing! Keep up the great work! xoxo.
