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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Les and students

les with the students- see the new coatslots of new coats provided by all our donars!! the kids are happy and excited- and warm, too.


  1. I think coats are something that we often don't think of. We hear so often how hot and humid it is in Vietnam, that we forget how cold it can get at times. I remember the first time we received a picture of our baby in a hat and sweater, we were surprised. I would love to know what the kids would like/need that we could bring with us.

  2. hi Dawn, yes, it can snow in LS- esp in mts. when les was there he was cold. do you want to contribute to this LS school (the poorest kids?) shoes and socks for the colder weather are needed but since the season will change soon I can inquire for you about specifics for some children. personally, on the way up to the g&R bring a big basket/box of fresh fruit- it is the very best in vietnam, sooo fresh and fragrant (mini pinapples on a stick, very cheap too) you can give them to the nannies at the orphanage or even give them to eveyone at the g&r- I'm going to post this to our ls group too.
