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Friday, March 26, 2010

we're back

each time we return to Viet Nam we are more happy and excited to be here. it feels like returning to a home of our hearts, with so much to explore and learn. for me it is also a matter of knowing so much can change in a year- and i am grateful we are all here together, safe and sound.
Son and I met yesterday to set a schedule of trips. We plan on 5 long day trips to LS- leaving at 5am- returning whenever that days work is done- and another long day south to another province.
We are working on our Food for Thought project- thank you to the many donors!!! I enjoy learning about the ins and outs of how this projects goes, it's problems, challenges and so on. I'm eager to share the process with you too. Sometimes a family chosen doesn't have the skill set to maintain the chickens- a combination of many factors- sometimes the chickens are just eaten- you know, if you are hungry and they are there- oh well- it makes sense to me. However to keep the program working and growing we need to include families that can be take care of the chickens as well as families that we hope to teach and who want to learn. The purpose of the program is to send chickens and eggs to the school to improve the nutrition of the children, especially the poorest children who cannot walk back home during lunch.
I have some photos to download and more to share
many thanks to all of you for your support

1 comment:

  1. We are thrilled you are there safe and sound!!! Send pictures when you can!!!
