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Saturday, April 10, 2010

I realized I don't share feelings here other than my gratitude for your support. It is a privledge to work with this school, the children and you. I am grateful. How to share the moment to moment feelings here has puzzled me. It's overwelming sometimes and so very sad. We have a program where you can sponsor children. One of my tasks was to visit with these families - deliver food, access their needs, and ask the sponsored child to write a letter or draw a picture for their sponsor. One little boy wrote he loves his mother and father. He wishes his father would not drink. His story is when his father drinks he is abusive. His mother is away now working = his grandmother and aunt are watching him, he stays with them- although his (often drunken) father is nearby. He and his siblings were eating leaves of plants because they were hungry. the plants have a laxative effect. We brought money for food, advice t not eat the plant and why- but the saddest moment was watching the 4 yr old yongest son cry - wail, when he learned he couldn't come with us to see his mother- and she wouldn't be back for another week- he has been waiting 2 months- since our last board member visitied- I still hear him crying, and see him in my minds eye- I'm sorry to share such a sad sad sad experience- this little bright, funny sweet 4 year old- crying for his emotional life. Son or Hoa will bring his mother to visit- it was a 5 hour ride one way for us-they will bring her next week- but it was the hardest thing to leave- and I still wonder if I should not have said- come with us- we will figure it out- and some how bring you back too- I don't know-
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1 comment:

  1. Bonnie--Thank you for this note and for explaining your conflicted and confusing thoughts and feelings. We will try to do more to help. BEst, Ed and Peggy
