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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

a glimpse into food for thought

Here is one of our 'food for thought' chicken project families- here is a happier family- and soon a healthier one- thanks to you. So many of us have been to Vietnam- to Lang Son- We can imagine this family struggling to feed all of the children and keep them in school. They look so young- they are- the oldest is 9, the youngest, 18 months.
We hope the chickens help- and eventually help other like families. The school has a great idea to add a pig to our gifts-
They are careful- wanting this project to work for the long run for each family. We are growing this project together, like a farm or a plant- it can't be rushed- Until it is firmly rooted in the community- and serving the 40 poorest families whose children attend school- we are asked to give monthly towards supplementing the lunch the school serves.
Will you help? Please make a donation.
See that cutie below? Help her have a turn at school.
Her life can be better, her future safer because you care and can help. Every little bit helps. She is counting on us-
To donate please click on the link below. many thanks from many hearts.

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